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Audaphon air coils L7 L10 L13 core coils M12 M14

Audaphon coils

Audaphon coils
Air coils (i.e. coils without a ferro-magnetic core) are absolutely distortion-free, which on the face of it makes them ideal for all audio applications. The trouble is, their electrical resistance increases with their inductance. There are two solutions to this problem: One can either use very thick windings (this is why our standard range includes windings with wire up to 3 mm in diameter) or coils with cores. Lower cost and smaller size are also

All listed coils are made of copper lacquer wire with a purity of>99.995%. The wire ends are tinned and labelled. Inductance is measured at 25 degrees Celsius; tolerance is +/- 3%.

L denotes inductance, R the DC resistance, D the diameter, Le the length, Wire-W the width of the wire, DxH the diameter and the height.

Audaphon air coils L7 L10 L13 core coils M12 M14

Audaphon L7 air core coils made of wire 0.7 mm in diameter

L denotes inductance, R the DC resistance, D the diameter, Le the length, Wire-W the width of the wire, DxH the diameter and the height.

Product ID L/mH R/Ohm Wire-
Coil Size
bl-L7-010 0.10 0.23 0.70 31 W 25 x 10 EUR 3,90 excl. VAT: € 3.28 / $ 3.38
bl-L7-012 0.12 0.25 0.70 42 W 36 x 10 - not available
bl-L7-015 0.15 0.28 0.70 39 W 36 x 10 EUR 4,10 excl. VAT: € 3.45 / $ 3.55
bl-L7-018 0.18 0.31 0.70 38 W 36 x 10 EUR 4,20 excl. VAT: € 3.53 / $ 3.64
bl-L7-022 0.22 0.34 0.70 37 W 36 x 10 EUR 4,30 excl. VAT: € 3.61 / $ 3.72
bl-L7-027 0.27 0.39 0.70 34 W 36 x 10 EUR 4,40 excl. VAT: € 3.70 / $ 3.81
bl-L7-033 0.33 0.43 0.70 33 W 36 x 10 EUR 4,50 excl. VAT: € 3.78 / $ 3.89
bl-L7-039 0.39 0.51 0.70 29 W 36 x 10 EUR 4,60 excl. VAT: € 3.87 / $ 3.98
bl-L7-047 0.47 0.58 0.70 21 W 30 x 20 EUR 4,70 excl. VAT: € 3.95 / $ 4.07
bl-L7-056 0.56 0.64 0.70 20 W 30 x 20 EUR 4,80 excl. VAT: € 4.03 / $ 4.15
bl-L7-068 0.68 0.71 0.70 20 W 30 x 20 EUR 5,00 excl. VAT: € 4.20 / $ 4.33
*) Pmax 8 Ohm is the maximum power that this coil is able to deliver to the bass driver. The values are valid for free air convection and 20°C. For 4 Ohm speakers this value has to be halved.

Audaphon air coils L7 L10 L13 core coils M12 M14

Audaphon L10 air core coils made of wire 1.0 mm in diameter

L denotes inductance, R the DC resistance, D the diameter, Le the length, Wire-W the width of the wire, DxH the diameter and the height.

Product ID L/mH R/Ohm Wire-
Coil Size
bl-L10-010 0.10 0.14 1.00 82 W 30 x 20 EUR 4,90 excl. VAT: € 4.12 / $ 4.24
bl-L10-015 0.15 0.17 1.00 82 W 30 x 20 EUR 5,20 excl. VAT: € 4.37 / $ 4.50
bl-L10-022 0.22 0.21 1.00 83 W 40 x 20 EUR 5,90 excl. VAT: € 4.96 / $ 5.11
bl-L10-033 0.33 0.26 1.00 77 W 40 x 20 EUR 6,50 excl. VAT: € 5.46 / $ 5.63
bl-L10-039 0.39 0.29 1.00 71 W 40 x 20 EUR 6,90 excl. VAT: € 5.80 / $ 5.97
bl-L10-047 0.47 0.32 1.00 67 W 40 x 20 EUR 7,50 excl. VAT: € 6.30 / $ 6.49
bl-L10-068 0.68 0.39 1.00 65 W 58 x 18 EUR 8,20 excl. VAT: € 6.89 / $ 7.10
bl-L10-082 0.82 0.44 1.00 62 W 58 x 18 EUR 8,90 excl. VAT: € 7.48 / $ 7.70
bl-L10-100 1.0 0.49 1.00 61 W 58 x 18 EUR 9,90 excl. VAT: € 8.32 / $ 8.57
bl-L10-120 1.2 0.54 1.00 63 W 58 x 18 EUR 10,90 excl. VAT: € 9.16 / $ 9.43
bl-L10-150 1.5 0.63 1.00 59 W 58 x 18 EUR 12,30 excl. VAT: € 10.34 / $ 10.65
bl-L10-180 1.8 0.70 1.00 56 W 58 x 18 EUR 13,30 excl. VAT: € 11.18 / $ 11.51
bl-L10-220 2.2 0.83 1.00 51 W 58 x 18 EUR 14,80 excl. VAT: € 12.44 / $ 12.81
bl-L10-270 2.7 0.93 1.00 46 W 58 x 30 EUR 16,90 excl. VAT: € 14.20 / $ 14.63
bl-L10-330 3.3 1.1 1.00 46 W 58 x 30 EUR 18,90 excl. VAT: € 15.88 / $ 16.36
*) Pmax 8 Ohm is the maximum power that this coil is able to deliver to the bass driver. The values are valid for free air convection and 20°C. For 4 Ohm speakers this value has to be halved.

Audaphon air coils L7 L10 L13 core coils M12 M14

Audaphon L13 air core coils made of wire 1.3 mm in diameter

L denotes inductance, R the DC resistance, D the diameter, Le the length, Wire-W the width of the wire, DxH the diameter and the height.

Product ID L/mH R/Ohm Wire-
Coil Size
bl-L13-010 0.10 0.10 1.32 194 W 38 x 22 - not available
bl-L13-068 0.68 0.22 1.32 158 W 58 x 19 - not available
bl-L13-082 0.82 0.28 1.32 165 W 70 x 29 - not available
bl-L13-120 1.2 0.35 1.32 150 W 70 x 29 - not available
bl-L13-150 1.5 0.40 1.32 140 W 70 x 29 - not available
bl-L13-180 1.8 0.45 1.32 132 W 70 x 29 - not available
bl-L13-220 2.2 0.48 1.32 131 W 70 x 29 - not available
*) Pmax 8 Ohm is the maximum power that this coil is able to deliver to the bass driver. The values are valid for free air convection and 20°C. For 4 Ohm speakers this value has to be halved.

Audaphon air coils L7 L10 L13 core coils M12 M14

Audaphon L14 air core coils made of wire 1.4 mm in diameter

Product ID L/mH R/Ohm Wire-
Coil Size
bl-L14-100 1.0 0.29 1.4 147 W 58 x 30 EUR 23,00 excl. VAT: € 19.33 / $ 19.91
bl-L14-115 1.2 0.32 1.4 142 W 58 x 30 EUR 19,50 excl. VAT: € 16.39 / $ 16.88
bl-L14-120 1.2 0.33 1.4 139 W 58 x 30 EUR 24,50 excl. VAT: € 20.59 / $ 21.21
bl-L14-180 1.8 0.41 1.4 130 W 58 x 30 EUR 32,00 excl. VAT: € 26.89 / $ 27.70
*) Pmax 8 Ohm is the maximum power that this coil is able to deliver to the bass driver. The values are valid for free air convection and 20°C. For 4 Ohm speakers this value has to be halved.

Audaphon air coils L7 L10 L13 core coils M12 M14

Ferrit core coils

L denotes inductance, R the DC resistance, D the diameter, Le the length, Wire-W the width of the wire, DxH the diameter and the height.

Audaphon air coils L7 L10 L13 core coils M12 M14

Audaphon ferrit core coil M12

Product ID L/mH R/Ohm Wire-
Coil Size
bl-m12-100 1.0 0.13 1.18 180 W 40 x 27 EUR 9,99 excl. VAT: € 8.39 / $ 8.65
bl-m12-120 1.2 0.15 1.12 176 W 40 x 27 EUR 13,00 excl. VAT: € 10.92 / $ 11.25
bl-m12-150 1.5 0.16 1.18 193 W 45 x 36 EUR 15,00 excl. VAT: € 12.61 / $ 12.98
bl-m12-180 1.8 0.18 1.18 183 W 45 x 36 EUR 16,00 excl. VAT: € 13.45 / $ 13.85
bl-m12-220 2.2 0.20 1.18 175 W 45 x 36 EUR 17,00 excl. VAT: € 14.29 / $ 14.71
bl-m12-330 3.3 0.22 1.12 168 W 45 x 36 EUR 21,00 excl. VAT: € 17.65 / $ 18.18
*) Pmax 8 Ohm is the maximum power that this coil is able to deliver to the bass driver. The values are valid for free air convection and 20°C. For 4 Ohm speakers this value has to be halved.

Audaphon air coils L7 L10 L13 core coils M12 M14

Audaphon ferrit core coil M14

Product ID L/mH R/Ohm Wire-
Coil Size
bl-m14-390 3.9 0.22 1.4 189 W 56 x 40 EUR 27,00 excl. VAT: € 22.69 / $ 23.37
bl-m14-470 4.7 0.24 1.4 198 W 56 x 40 EUR 29,00 excl. VAT: € 24.37 / $ 25.10
*) Pmax 8 Ohm is the maximum power that this coil is able to deliver to the bass driver. The values are valid for free air convection and 20°C. For 4 Ohm speakers this value has to be halved.