
Audaphon is a German brand that searches worldwide for loudspeaker drivers with the highest quality characteristics.

Audaphon drivers feature an excellent price / performance ratio.

Only high-grade materials are used to ensure solidity and best possible sound.

For the high frequency range Audaphon offers

of which the latter can hardly be surpassed in terms of airiness and transparency.

To our building proposals with Audaphon drivers.


Air Motion Transformer

Audaphon Air Motion Transformer AMT 1i  

order no. au-amt-1

EUR 649,00 excl. VAT: € 545.38 / $ 567.19

air motion transformer. The magnet system is based on Neodymium technology. The speaker has a 3 mm solid metal front plate.

  • frequency range = 950-29000 Hz
  • resonance frequency fs = 900 Hz
  • impedance R = 8 Ohm
  • sound pressure level SPL = 94 dB (2,83V; 1m)
  • effective piston radiating area Sd = 29 cm2
  • mounting diameter d = 119 x 73 mm
  • overall diameter d = 130 x 100 mm
  • mounting depth (not countersunk) t = 45 mm
PDF data sheet

journal Hobby HiFi
Fazit: Audaphon liefert mit dem AMT-1i einen faszinierenden Hochtöner für Lautsprecherprojekte auf Referenz-Niveou.

show kits to this chassis hide kits

Audaphon Air Motion Transformer AMT 1i round  

order no. au-amt-1-rund

EUR 649,00 excl. VAT: € 545.38 / $ 567.19

air motion transformer. The magnet system is based on Neodymium technology. The speaker has a 3 mm solid metal front plate.

  • frequency range = 950-29000 Hz
  • resonance frequency fs = 900 Hz
  • impedance R = 8 Ohm
  • sound pressure level SPL = 94 dB (2,83V; 1m)
  • effective piston radiating area Sd = 29 cm2
  • mounting diameter d = 119 x 73 mm
  • overall diameter d = 150 mm
  • mounting depth (not countersunk) t = 55 mm
PDF data sheet

journal Hobby HiFi
Fazit: Audaphon liefert mit dem AMT-1i einen faszinierenden Hochtöner für Lautsprecherprojekte auf Referenz-Niveou.

show kits to this chassis hide kits

Audaphon Air Motion Transformer AMT 2i  

order no. au-amt-2i

EUR 368,20 excl. VAT: € 309.41 / $ 321.79

air motion transformer. The magnet system is based on Neodymium technology. The speaker has a 3 mm solid metal front plate.

  • frequency range = 1600-35000 Hz
  • resonance frequency fs = 2000 Hz
  • impedance R = 4 Ohm
  • sound pressure level SPL = 94 dB (2,83V; 1m)
  • effective piston radiating area Sd = 12,6 cm2
  • mounting diameter d = 64 x 64 mm
  • overall diameter d = 90 x 72 mm
  • mounting depth (not countersunk) t = 30 mm
PDF data sheet

journal Hobby HiFi
Fazit: Audaphon präsentiert mit dem AMT-2i einen Hochtöner mit exzellentem Klangpotential und einer grandiosen Pegelfestigkeit.

show kits to this chassis hide kits

Audaphon Air Motion Transformer AMT-HP  

order no. au-amt-hp

EUR 1093,00 excl. VAT: € 918.49 / $ 955.23

air motion transformer. The speaker has a 6 mm solid metal front plate. The magnet system is based on Neodymium technology.

  • frequency range = 700-23000 Hz
  • resonance frequency fs = 1000 Hz
  • impedance R = 6 Ohm
  • sound pressure level SPL = 100 dB (2,83V; 1m)
  • effective piston radiating area Sd = 39,5 cm2
  • mounting diameter d = 160 x 88 mm
  • overall diameter d = 180 x 120 mm
  • mounting depth (not countersunk) t = 65 mm
PDF data sheet

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The cabinet volume calculations are executed considering an external resistance of 0.3 Ohm. We are using, if no other data is known or available, the information supplied by the manufacturer.

Please note: the frequency response doesn't say much about the cut-off frequency inside the cabinet! Therefore, we mostly give you 2 examples with dimensioning considerations and an indication, how low the loudspeaker will reproduce.

© Copyright (c) Daniel Gattig, 2023; All rights reserved. - errors and omissions excepted