Audaphon is a German brand that searches worldwide for loudspeaker drivers with the highest quality characteristics.
Audaphon drivers feature an excellent price / performance ratio.
Only high-grade materials are used to ensure solidity and best possible sound.
For the high frequency range Audaphon offers
To our building proposals with Audaphon drivers.
EUR 649,00 excl. VAT: € 545.38 / $ 567.19
air motion transformer. The magnet system is based on Neodymium technology. The speaker has a 3 mm solid metal front plate.
journal Hobby HiFi Fazit: Audaphon liefert mit dem AMT-1i einen faszinierenden Hochtöner für Lautsprecherprojekte auf Referenz-Niveou.
EUR 368,20 excl. VAT: € 309.41 / $ 321.79
journal Hobby HiFi Fazit: Audaphon präsentiert mit dem AMT-2i einen Hochtöner mit exzellentem Klangpotential und einer grandiosen Pegelfestigkeit.
EUR 1093,00 excl. VAT: € 918.49 / $ 955.23
air motion transformer. The speaker has a 6 mm solid metal front plate. The magnet system is based on Neodymium technology.
Please note: the frequency response doesn't say much about the cut-off frequency inside the cabinet! Therefore, we mostly give you 2 examples with dimensioning considerations and an indication, how low the loudspeaker will reproduce.
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